必看的email(real shocking)

其实我很少看这么多字的forward email,


Very Shocking.... .

This is a true story of a young college girl who passed away last month in Penang. Her name was Ai Ling. She was hit by a truck.

She was working in a call center. She had a boy friend named Tony.

Both of them were true lovers. They always talked on the phone. She used to be never found without her handphone.

In fact she also changed her network from Maxis to Digi, so that both of them can be on the same network, and save on the cost. Even when Tony left overseas to finish his masters, they constantly kept in touch.

She used to spend half of the day talking with Tony.
Ai Ling's family knew about their relationship.. Tony was very close to Ai Ling's family as well. (Just
imagine their love)
. She always remind her friends 'If I pass away please put the handphone in the coffin, she also said the same thing to her parent.

After her death, people cdnt put her body in the coffin, Many of them tried to do so, but still cant lift the body.

Eventually, they called a medium to find out why.

He took a stick and started speaking to himself slowly.
After a few minutes, he said 'this girl say she is not leaving without her handphone. Then her friends remember, she make them promise to cremate her with the handphone when she passaway.

After putting the handphone in the coffin they could easily carry her body to the coffin.
All of us were shocked. Ai Ling's parents did not inform Tony that Ai Ling had passed away as they're waiting for him to come home after his graduation..

After 2 weeks Tony returned and called Ai Ling's mom.......

Tony:....'Aunty, I'm coming home today. Cook something nice for me. Don't tell Ai Ling that I'm coming home today, I wanna surprise her.'
Her mother replied..... 'come home first, I wanna tell you something very important.'

After he came, they told him the truth about Ai Ling.
Tony thinks that they were playing a fool. He was laughing and said 'don't try to fool me - tell Ai Ling to come out, i have a gift for her... Please stop this nonsense'.

Then they show him the original death certificate to him. They gave him proof to make him believe. (Tony started to sweat) He said... 'Its not true. We spoke yesterday.. She's still calling me.
Tony was shaking.

Suddenly, Tony's phone rang. 'see this is from Ai Ling, see this....' he showed the phone to Ai Ling's family. all of them told him to answer. he talked using the loudspeaker mode.

All of them heard his conversation. It is the actual voice of Ai Ling & there is no way others could use her sim card since it is nailed inside the coffin!

They were so shocked and asked for the same medium (who can speak with the soul of dead persons). He brought his master to solve this matter.

He & his master worked for 5 hours. Then they discovered one thing which really shocked them....


Digi 'I will follow you!!!'

Don't shout at me I am also looking for the person who has sent me this mail....so what
you can do...you should also forward this mail to all your buddies...and enjoy la...like i enjoyed. HAHAHAHAHA...



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4 个留言 :

  1. 这类的email收到很多封了~

  2. 我还以为是什么

  3. That's so funny, dam it I tot something will happen!!!! :D Make me laugh until non stop and remind about DIGI CM song "I will follow you!"

  4. 回 jia wen:其实我也是收过不少封啦,但这一篇很长,真的让我哭笑不得咯!!

    回 wanyi:真的很强!!

    回 joey:thanks for your comment here. i'm so happy that this post can make you laugh^^



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